This is Megan & Rayce! They are so perfect for eachother. They had a sign at their wedding that said, “True love is when both people think they are the lucky one” and I love this quote. It fits this couple so perfectly. I had to include it in the title of this blog post because I couldn't caption this day any better! You can see in so many pictures the love they have for each other, I was getting so emotional going back through these! Here is a little bit more about Megan & Rayce and their story.

Rayce and Megan went out for Sushi on their first date, which happens to be her favorite food. She said that right from the first date they both felt so comfortable, and like they had known each other for a long time. After the first date they talked everyday and just couldn’t stay away. Megan is an amazing cook and would tease Rayce about being the full package and needing to put a ring on it. I love how these two tease each one another. Megan said one time when Rayce asked her to do a load of his laundry she told him that sounded like a wifey level request not a girlfriend level request. They teased and hinted about marriage, but the engagement was a surprise for Megan! Well… almost!

Rayce was selling his truck soon and told her that he wanted to take it for one last drive so they stopped for some big macs and drove to Wolverine Canyon. When they got to the top Rayce told her he wanted to stop, look at the view and grab some pictures, she told him he would have to wait until she finished her big mac, he patiently waited and they got out to enjoy the view. Rayce got out and Megan was getting curious, but didn’t see a ring box or anything! Once they both got out he said let's take those pictures, well I’ll do a video. That is the moment that Megan realized what was going on. He told her later he didn’t realize he had said that out loud! Rayce got down on one knee and the first thing Megan said was “Wow! What are you doing?!” He said, “I'm asking you to marry me!” She said she was shocked and filled with happiness and said yes! They started hiking down and a huge bald eagle flew down to the level of the truck 100 meters in front of them and stayed while they hiked. She said they knew it was a good sign from the universe, and that the hike was majestic and beautiful.

The story of how these two got engaged is as beautiful as this couple is! I was amazed by how well they fit together and before they were married made sacrifices for one another. I asked what kind of music they liked to listen to and they named a few and added country music. Megan said I didn’t listen to it before but we do now! Then a few minutes later Megan was telling me about their engagement and sushi, and Rayce commented that he didn’t used to like it before but he did now. It made me smile and feel so happy that even before they were married they knew how to make compromises, and grow together. I know that these two are an amazing couple and they bring out the best in each other. Enjoy these pictures of this beautiful couple and the amazing ceremony. Congratulations to you both, I can’t wait to see what the future brings for your marriage!