Three Tips for a Perfect Wedding Day

Your planning a wedding! Ahhhh! This is one of the most exciting times of your life, and one of the most important days of your life. That being said you want to do everything in your power to have your wedding day run smoothly. It's a day you've been dreaming of for months, if not years, and you want it to be perfect. When it comes to planning events the more details you have, like at weddings, it makes more ways that things that can go wrong. But don't worry! Im going to give you some helpful tips to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Let’s dive in! I want to help make sure your wedding day goes off without a hitch.

1. Hire a Wedding Planner

Hiring a wedding planner is one of the best things you can do to ensure that your wedding day goes smoothly. A wedding planner will be able to take care of all the little details that you might not have thought about. They can help you find the perfect venue, recommend vendors, and coordinate all the different aspects of your wedding day. A good wedding planner will be able to anticipate any potential problems and have a solution ready to go. They'll also be able to manage any unexpected situations that might arise on the day of your wedding. 

    If there isn’t room for a wedding planner in your budget, then the best thing you can do is RESEARCH, RESEARCH annnnddd RESEARCH some more! Most of us don’t have the vast knowledge and connections that wedding planners do, so your going to need to spend a lot of time researching all the different wedding details to make sure your not missing anything, and can fill the roll of wedding planner.

Sunset Cliffs San Diego Wedding photo
Sunset Cliffs Wedding Close up
Wedding Photography Sunset Cliffs San Diego

2. Create a Detailed Timeline

Creating a detailed timeline is KEY to making sure your wedding day goes smoothly. This timeline should include everything from the start of the day until the end of the night. It should include when you need to be at the venue, when the ceremony will start, when the reception will begin, and when you need to be out of the venue. You should also include time for hair and makeup, photos, and transportation. Having a detailed timeline will help you stay on schedule and ensure that everything happens when it's supposed to. If you need more tips on making a timeline I have a blog post all about it! 

3. Have a Backup Plan

No matter how much you plan, there's always a chance that something could go wrong on your wedding day. That's why it's important to have a backup plan in place. For example, if you're having an outdoor wedding, have a plan for what you'll do if it rains. If your DJ cancels at the last minute, have a backup playlist ready to go. Having a backup plan will help you feel more relaxed on your wedding day, knowing that you have a plan B if anything goes wrong. When you have a back up, you’ll spend your wedding day enjoying this amazing milestone, and not stressing the details. 

There you have it! The three things that I’ve seen make a wedding flow and turn out perfect! This is YOUR wedding day, and is a special day that you'll remember for the rest of your life, use these tips to make sure that your wedding day goes smoothly and is everything you've ever dreamed of!